Evergy is currently working on restoring power to Waterville and it should be on again sometime today.
The city crew will continue to pick up debris along curbside through this week. Please leave piles no longer than 8' and do not place over a water pit or sprinkler heads. There is a lot to pick up and only four of them - please be patient! If you would like it removed before they can get to your property you may haul to the city dump located at the west end of Walnut Street. Please remember this is a brush dump only.
The Community Center is open for those who may need electricity for oxygen etc... There will be free water at this location as well.
It is looking like the swimming pool will be closed for a couple days due to the storm.
The City of Waterville is accepting applications until March 14 for Pool Manager and Lifeguards for the 2022 summer season. Applications are available at the city office or you may go to the news and information-forms tab on this site. Please call the city office if you have any questions! 363-2367
Do not give the water to infants under 6 months old or use it to make infant formula.
October 3-9, 2021
The City of Waterville is celebrating Public Power Week this week. Kansas Power Pool treated the city crew and staff to a pizza lunch Thursday after their monthly safety meeting. Spreading the word of the celebration included signs, social media posts, and hosting a food drive for the new Blessing Box.
Robert Seleska and Matt Umscheid attended Kansas Municipal Utilities 2021 Electric Distribution Overhead Workshop last week. They are taking many electric courses this year!