Get out and enjoy the last week of the pool season!
Wednesday hours: 1 - 5 and 6 - 8
Thursday hours 2 - 8
Friday hours 4:30 - 8
Saturday 1 - 6
Last day Sunday, August 19, is free swim for everyone! Hours 1 - 5.
Have fun!
The City of Waterville will have a public hearing to approve the 2019 Budget at 6:45 p.m. on August 13, 2018 at the Waterville Community Center. Detailed budget information is available at City Hall and will be available at this hearing.
The Fire Department will be having their annual Smoke Off and Car Show again this year on August 25. Plan on attending!
The Families First of Marshall County are selling raffle tickets to win your child, a child you know, or teacher/school staff, a ride on the last day of school in a Police or Fire Truck! Tickets are available at the Waterville City Office and are $1.00 a ticket or $5.00 for six tickets. Winners will be drawn May 10, 2018. Good Luck!
If you like hitting garage sales during the year, this list is for you!