Friday, February 13, 2015

It's Not Too Late!

In the fall of 2014 and/or 2015, the City of Waterville intends to make application to the Kansas Department of Commerce for Community Development Block Grant funding.  Grant funds, if received, could be used for community improvement projects including, but not limited to water distribution improvement, sewer system repair, street repair, and renovations to the downtown business area. If the City is able to access grant funds, these funds may allow the City to make needed community improvements without substantial increases in local taxes or water and sewer rates. 

Of particular concern at the present time is updating the water and sewer systems. The city is looking at options to correct the problem. Water and sewer efficiency impacts the whole community so the resolution of the problem is important to all residents. Another concern is replacing catch basins to improve drainage of storm water. The city would also like to pursue a ‘revamp’ of the business district. 

In order to qualify for the funding, the city needs the assistance of all citizens.  Households in the community will be asked to complete an income survey.  In order to be eligible for funding, the city must demonstrate that 51% or more of community households have low to moderate income.  Because of recent changes in the population, the city is required to do the household survey to determine actual income levels.  All survey information will be kept confidential.

The City Council wishes to thank residents for their cooperation in this endeavor.  Households will receive the survey in the mail and are encouraged to return it in the return envelope provided.  Volunteers will contact residents in person at their homes to complete a survey if they are not returned.  More information can be obtained by contacting any council members or Nori Blackburn, City Clerk at 363-2367.


Categories: General NewsNumber of views: 1698


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